Health & Wellbeing

Welcome to our French Bulldog Health Hub, a dedicated space where the wellbeing and vitality of your beloved Frenchie take centre stage.

Image of a dog at the vets getting a check up to highlight health & wellbeing

Home » Health & Wellbeing

Written By

Dan Harrison


Reviewed By

Penny Worthington


Reviewed By

Ameilia Harrison


Keeping your French Bulldog in tip-top shape

French Bulldogs are renowned for their charming personalities and distinctive appearance, but like any other breed, they rely on diligent care to maintain good health.

Whether you’re a devoted French Bulldog owner, are considering bringing one into your family, or are simply interested in canine health, you’ve found your go-to resource.

The importance of maintaining good health

Ensuring your French Bulldog’s well-being is paramount for a happy and fulfilling life.

Just like humans, dogs can encounter various health challenges, and as responsible pet parents, our mission is to support their health and comfort.

The role of a proper balanced diet

Proper nutrition is the cornerstone of your French Bulldog’s health. These petite and muscular pups have unique dietary needs, including a higher protein content to fuel their active lifestyles.

Choosing a high-quality dog food that caters to their specific requirements is essential. Steer clear of excessive treats and table scraps to prevent obesity.

For a deep dive into diet and nutrition, click here.

When to visit the vet

Routine veterinary check-ups are your secret weapon for early detection of potential health issues. Keep up with vaccinations, flea and tick prevention, and dental care as part of your Frenchie’s healthcare regimen.

Given their susceptibility to certain hereditary conditions, your vet might recommend specialised screenings and tests, such as hip and elbow evaluations or eye examinations, to safeguard their long-term health.

Your Frenchie’s well-being is our priority, and we’re here to provide you with the knowledge and resources to keep them thriving.

Regular Check-ups

Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for every French Bulldog, regardless of their age or apparent health. Visiting your vet at least once a year for a wellness exam is recommended.

During these appointments, your vet will:

✔️ Monitor general health

Your veterinarian will assess your French Bulldog’s overall health, including weight, body condition, and vital signs.

✔️ Vaccinations

Ensure that your Frenchie is all up-to-date on their vaccinations to protect against common diseases like rabies, distemper, and parvovirus.

✔️ Dental care

Your vet will inspect your dog’s teeth and gums for signs of dental problems, which are common in brachycephalic breeds like French Bulldogs.

✔️ Parasite prevention

Discuss and administer preventive measures for fleas, ticks, and intestinal parasites.

✔️ Behaviour and lifestyle

Discuss any changes in behaviour, diet, or lifestyle and guide proper nutrition and exercise.

⚠️ Signs that require immediate vet attention ⚠️

While regular check-ups are essential, signs and symptoms should never be ignored. If you notice any of the following, seek immediate veterinary care:

⚠️ Difficulty breathing

French Bulldogs are brachycephalic, which means they have short noses, making them prone to respiratory issues. Any laboured breathing or signs of distress require immediate attention.

⚠️ Vomiting or diarrhoea

Persistent or severe vomiting and diarrhoea can lead to dehydration and may indicate some other underlying health issues.

⚠️ Loss of appetite

If your Frenchie has a sudden loss of appetite or refuses to eat, this can indicate various health problems, including dental or digestive disorders.

⚠️ Lethargy

If your Frenchie becomes unusually lethargic, weak, or unresponsive, it’s a sign that something may be seriously wrong.

⚠️ Injuries

A veterinarian should assess any visible injuries, limping, or signs of pain to prevent further complications.

⚠️ Changes in urination or defecation

Difficulty urinating, bloody urine, or changes in stool consistency can indicate urinary tract infections or gastrointestinal problems.

⚠️ Skin and coat issues

Sudden skin irritations, excessive scratching, hair loss, or lumps and bumps on the skin should be examined by a vet.

⚠️ Seizures or tremors

If your French Bulldog experiences seizures or sudden tremors, immediate medical attention is crucial.

If you have any concerns or questions about your French Bulldog’s health, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian for guidance and assistance.

Ready to get started?

Explore the sub-topics below for in-depth insights into specific health concerns and how to address them:

a close up of a french bulldog's nose


a french bulldog panting out in the hot sun


a french bulldog in its bed licking its paw


A french bulldog mom sleeping with her newborn pups

Pregnancy, Periods & Heat

a tired french bulldog at the vets


a tiny french bulldog puppy shaking and looking sad


A fawn french bulldog side view

Skin & Coat

A french bulldog having a snooze in the garden on a sunny day


Scientific anatomical image of a french bulldog's skeleton imposed over it's body

Spine & Legs

A close up of a french bulldog's nose with stenotic nares

Stenotic Nares

Scientific image of a french bulldog with stomach imposed over it. anatomy


A french bulldog facing away from the camera, showing its back end and tail


Breeding Guide

Buying Guide

Training Guide


Albino (Pink)
Black and Tan

DNA Charts



Dry Dog Food
Fresh Dog Food
Gastrointestinal Dog Food

Organic Dog Food
Raw Dog Food
Wet Dog Food

Dog Treats
Vitamins and Supplements


Health & Wellbeing

Later Life
Neutering & Spaying
Over Heating
Pregnancy, Periods & Heat

Skin & Coat
Spine & Legs
Stenotic Snares

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