How Much Should You Feed Your Dog?

Knowing how much to feed your French Bulldog can seem tricky with all the different recommendations available. We’re here to provide straightforward, easy-to-follow advice to get it just right.

two french bulldog pups looking sad and lonely while their owner is out

Home » Diet & Nutrition » How Much Should You Feed Your Dog?

Written By

Dan Harrison


Reviewed By

Ameilia Harrison


How much should you feed an adult French Bulldog?

When it comes to your Frenchie’s diet, there are a few factors to consider. Adult French Bulldogs typically fall in the weight range of 7kg to 12.7kg (that’s 15.4 lbs to 28 lbs for our friends in the USA).

Now, let’s dish out the scoop on their meal portions.

Aim to serve them between 140g and 260g of delectable goodness for a happy and healthy Frenchie.

But here’s the secret sauce: according to the American Kennel Club , if your French Bulldog starts tipping the scales beyond 12.7kg (28 lbs), it might be time to rethink those treats.

To make it easier for you we have created a handy slider:

Dog Food Calculator

Weight: 7 kg

Feeding Amount: 140g

Weight: 15 lb

Feeding Amount: 136g


Or, if you prefer we have a table below:

Adult Dog Feeding Chart

Weight (Kg) Weight (lbs) How Much Food? (g)

Let’s delve deeper into some key factors that’ll help you tailor your Frenchie’s diet just right:


As our French Bulldogs gracefully age, their dietary needs may evolve. Here’s a rough breakdown:

  • Adult (1 to 7 Years) Stick with the 140g to 260g range, depending on weight. Adult Frenchies typically need about 58.9 calories per kilo (26.7 calories per pound), with 18-25% protein and 5-15% fat in their diet.
  • Senior (7+ Years) Adjust towards the lower end of the adult range, focusing on maintaining their ideal weight. Seniors often thrive on about 30 calories per pound and may need lower protein levels, around 18-23%.


Interestingly, male and female French Bulldogs can have slightly different caloric needs. Due to their larger size and muscle mass, males might require about 5-10% more food than females to maintain their weight.

Activity level

Just like us, Frenchies vary in their activity levels. Active dogs might need up to 20% more food than the average guidelines, while less active dogs might require 20-30% less.

Special dietary requirements

Consult with your veterinarian if your Frenchie has specific health concerns or dietary requirements. They can provide tailored advice, whether it’s a grain-free diet (usually comprising less than 40% carbohydrates), hypoallergenic food, or any other special needs your furry friend may have.

Nutritional balance

Ensure that your Frenchie’s diet is balanced with 18-25% protein, 5-15% fats, 20-70% carbohydrates, and essential vitamins and minerals. High-quality dog food offers this balance, but check the labels or consult a vet for specific recommendations.

Remember, every dog is unique; these guidelines are just a starting point. Please closely monitor their weight, activity level, and overall health and adjust their meals accordingly. Your Frenchie will appreciate the effort, and you’ll have one happy and healthy pup on your hands!

How much should you feed a French Bulldog puppy?

When you bring a French Bulldog puppy into your life, it’s like starting an exciting journey full of growth, play, and proper nutrition. Let’s make sure you have all the information to feed your furry little friend just right from day one:

Newborn to 4 weeks

In the first few weeks, puppies should be nursed by their mother. If hand-rearing or supplemental feeding is necessary, use a vet-recommended milk replacer. The quantity will vary based on the puppy’s size and needs, so following the vet’s or the product’s guidelines is best.

4 to 8 weeks old

Begin introducing solid food. Start with about 50g to 75g of high-quality, wet puppy food (blended with puppy formula or water for easier digestion) daily. Gradually increase to around 100g to 150g as they approach two months, spread over four meals daily.

2 to 4 months old

During this rapid growth phase, feed your Frenchie puppy about 150g to 200g of puppy food daily, divided into three meals.

4 to 6 months old

As your puppy grows, increase their daily food intake to around 175g to 225g, split into three meals.

6 to 12 months old

As they approach one year, their growth rate begins to slow. Adjust their food to about 200g to 250g per day, divided into two meals.

Puppy Feeding Chart

Age Range Feeding Guidelines
Newborn to 4 weeksNursed by mother or vet-recommended milk replacer (quantity as per vet's/product's guidelines)
4 to 8 weeksStart with 50g-75g of wet puppy food daily, increase to 100g-150g, over 4 meals
2 to 4 months150g to 200g of puppy food daily, divided into 3 meals
4 to 6 months175g to 225g of puppy food daily, divided into 3 meals
6 to 12 months200g to 250g of puppy food per day, divided into 2 meals

Nutritional balance

Ensure the food is specifically formulated for puppies, offering a balanced diet of protein (22-32%) and fat (10-25%), essential for healthy growth.

Monitor and adjust

Every puppy is unique, and their needs can vary. Monitor their weight and health and adjust their food quantity accordingly. If unsure, consulting your vet is always a good idea for tailored advice.

Feeding your French Bulldog puppy the right amount and type of food is critical to their healthy development.

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